Requirement LV138 |
*Original BGM
The ghostly Eastern temple is shrouded in stillness - even the water stream seems frozen, and only moonlight shimmers on the majestic gate that opens the passage to other worlds. What kind of guest could arrive in the City through this gate, having gone along the lunar path that hovers over the abyss of eternity? |
幽玄(ゆうげん)たる東洋の寺は静寂の中にひっそりと佇(たたず)み-川の流れまでもが時を止めたかのごとく、月明かりだけが神仙界へと続く壮麗な門の上で揺らめく。果てなき深淵に浮かぶ月光の小路(こうじ)を進み、この門からシティへと来たるは如何なる稀人(まれびと)であろうか? |
Related Investigation: Case №58
*You can see about searching items in the FANDOM wiki's
Moon Gate.
《Case №58: Guests of the Moon Gate 月洞門の客人(まれびと)》
🗝Quest for the new location (№58-0)
❶【Guiding Ritual 導きの儀式】(№58-1)
❷【Revived Legend 伝説の再来】(№58-2)
❸【Scarlet Defense 緋色の護り】(№58-3)
❹【Crash of Thunder 雷鳴】(№58-4)
❺【Family Ties 家族の絆】(№58-5)
-Artifact 【New Year's Magic 新年の不思議な力】 (№58-Post Quest)
❻【Paper Roof Alley
⓰【Room for Happiness
⓱【Dragon's Treasure