Requirement LV17

💣Archaeological Expedition

*same BGM as the Monster Treasury now (2023)

*Previous one; same as past underground locations

Red Rose Cafe レッドローズカフェ⇦Prev  Next➡Enchanted Ball 魅惑の舞踏会
Mini-games ミニゲームズ⇦Prev                 

Many unknown caves and passages where no human has ever set foot are hidden under the City. These dark grottoes hold many secrets and treasures. Find rare artifacts during archaeological expeditions.

🗝Quests for the new location available and unlocked

Efficient Items 有効なアイテム
精密時計 (クロナマター)
It gives you an extra 45 seconds.
Mine Detector
It lets you find and defuse one of the bombs in the field.
Discoverer's Magnifier

It opens one of  the cells that don't contain bombs.

❶【Mythical Creatures 神話の生き物たち


❷【Shaving Kit シェービング・キット *This collection also available at Cards of Fate


❸【Underground Speleologist 地下洞窟の探検家 *This collection also available at Cards of Fate


❹【Courage and Bravery 勇気ある心と行動


❺【Melee Weapons 近接武器


★Sub quest series 《Captain Drake's Wonder ドレイク船長にまつわる不思議
❻【Sewing Kit ソーイング・セット

❼【Gifts for the Nymph ニンフへの贈り物】 (Past title: Gifts for a Nymph)

❽【Marine Vessel 外洋船


❾【Weapon of Light 光の武器


★Sub quest series 《Temptation to Hades冥府への誘い
❿【Enforcement of Curses 呪いの執行


The Mystery of the Slot Machines スロットマシーンの謎》 *Mini-games ミニゲームズ
⓫【Hidden Functions 隠し機能】 (№86-2)


Airship Dock 飛行船ドック⇦Prev  Next➡Enchanted Ball 魅惑の舞踏会
Mini-games ミニゲームズ⇦Prev                 


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